Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Term 2 Update for Parents

Well this term has certainly started fast! We are already half way through Week 3 and 3/4 of the way through our NAPLAN testing. Thanks very much to parents who has made sure their child is having a good nights sleep, a nutritious breakfast and have spoken to their child about trying their best. The students have worked well during the test and I am confident they have tried their hardest.

During Term 2 we have started to look at history. We started with a broad look at Australian colonisation, then Western Australian colonisation. We will be moving into more local history. If you have any Wattle Grove historical objects, artefacts or pictures please send them in with your child to share.

Our Science topic this term is 'Heating Up' and we are looking at different heat sources. The students were given a small home project, to find a heat source, describe the amount of heat it produces and whether it produces it own heat. This project is due back to school tomorrow, Thursday 15th May. I can't wait to see what the students have investigated.

Please remember to make sure your child is completing their spelling homework every night, their maths homework to be marked on a Friday and that they read every single night. A variety of reading (silent, to a sibling, to a parent, choral reading with a partner, etc) and asking questions of their comprehension will help to improve their reading skill.

Miss Ruddick

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