Thursday, 5 June 2014

Welcome to WA Week!

On Monday we had a public holiday to celebrate WA Day. All week long Wattle Grove classes have been looking at towns in Western Australia and learning about them. Room 11 have been learning about Rottnest Island.

Miss Ruddick showed us a PowerPoint about the history of Rottnest Island and some photos of the beautiful beaches and fun activities you can do over there. We made posters to encourage people to visit Rottnest.

We also wrote a persuasive text to try and convince people to choose Rottnest as a holiday destination. We also researched Rottnest Island on the internet and found facts about it. We typed these up and then displayed them from a giant net in our room.

We were also lucky enough to email the class that lives on Rottnest. We asked them some questions and they responded to us. We learnt that there are only 9 kids in their class, 8 girls and 1 boy, and they range from Kindy to Year 5. How strange!

We also created some Quokkas, the small marsupial that live at Rottnest and hid these around the room. Only two people correctly counted the Quokkas, they were Tyler and Cooper.

On Friday afternoon we got to visit the other classes and find out about what they had learnt this week. Room 10 researched Harvey, this is the home of the big orange. Room 9 learnt about Busselton, did you know that the Busselton jetty is 1.8km long! Room 8 learnt about Kalannie, this is where Mrs Beste grew up. Room 20 focused on Shark Bay, here there is a big area of stramatilites, which are very old fossils. Lastly Room 23 learnt about Halls Creek, this is mostly an Aboriginal township and they did some dot paintings.

We really enjoyed our afternoon of finding out about different towns in WA. It was interesting and educational.

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