Sunday, 17 August 2014

Cross Country

On Friday of Week 3, most of the students from Room 11 took part in Cross Country.

In the Cross Country the Juniors (Years 1-3) had to run one lap, the Intermediates (Years 4-5) had to run two laps and the seniors (Years 6-7) had to run three!

The boys went first. In Room 11 Jacob, Liam, Logan, Boston, Dylan, Akshay, Riley and Ryan ran. None of our boys were in the top 3, but they all tried their best and did a great job.

Next was the girls. We had Salma, Jacinta, Elham, Eva, Chloe, Rishitha and Nikola run. Once again they tried super hard and put in a fantastic effort.

Once our Junior races were finished we watched the other races and cheered for our faction. We saw lots of our brothers and sisters.

We wish all the students who are going to Interschool Cross Country today the best of luck!

Room 1 Buddies

This term we have gotten the chance to meet our buddies. Our buddies are from the Dolphin group in Room 1 with Miss Ryan.

In Week 3 we got  to meet our buddies. We learnt a bit about them by filling out a sheet about our buddies and drawing a picture together.

In Week 4 our buddies came to visit us and we read some picture books to them. Our buddies really seemed to enjoy it.

We will be visiting our buddies again soon, so look out for more photos!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Semester Two Student Councillors

We have now presented our Semester Two Student Councillors with their badges. Each student who was interested had to make a speech about why they thought they would be a good Councillor for Room 11. The class then got to vote on. Our Councillors for Semester Two are Eva Campbell and Liam Kempton.

Eva is a talented student who is 8 years old. Her favourite subject at school is Maths and History. When she is not at school she likes to sleep. Eva thinks she will make a good Councillor because she will help others and has good ideas.

Liam's favourite subject at school is writing and spelling. He thinks he will be a fantastic Councillor because he will help people and solve problems. Liam is 8 years old and outside of school he likes to sit and play video games.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Important Dates for Term 3

Please write these down in your diary or on your calendar, it's a very busy term!

8th August- Senior Assembly, Student Councillors to be announced
                - Cross Country (After lunch)

12th August- ICAS Mathematics Testing

15th August- Junior Choir to visit Donovan Village
                  - I Run for Ipads, 2pm

22nd August- Science Fair Day

25th August- Book Week Event (More details to follow)

27th August- Faction Carnival Jumps and Throws

29th August- Faction Carnival

1st September- Wattle Day

5th September- Room 11 and 14's Assembly (More details to follow)

12th September- P&C Quiz Night

16th September- Parent Information Afternoon- Speaking and Listening (More details to follow)

19th September- Interschool Faction Carnival

23rd September- Learning Journeys (Open classroom afternoon/ evening)

26th September- Last day of Term Three

Welcome to Term 3!

Hello all,
Welcome to another term in Room 11.
We have a VERY busy term coming up, so please keep checking back frequently to find out what is happening and see photos of the events.

Literacy Blocks are continuing to run smoothly in our class. Students have shown a great improvement in their attitude towards home reading. I can't wait to hand out more Reading Certificates and prizes. During Term Three we will be focusing on the writing genres of Reports and Poetry. If you find any examples of these at home we would love to see them.

We are using a new maths resource this term, called Prime Mathematics. It is looking mostly at the number outcomes, but we are really hoping to extend the students in their problem solving abilites and will even learn our 6, 7, 8 and 9 timestables and some tricky division work.

This term in Science we are looking at the topic "Melting Moments". We will be investigating how objects change when heat is added. We will look at solids and liquids, the differences between them and how objects can change from one state to another. You can also look at things that melt at home. Some yummy experiments include watching ice cream melt and melting chocolate- you may even turn it into fondue!

We are also looking at Sustainability this term. We have learnt that sustain means to keep on going and able means can do, so we are looking at how we can treat the earth so that it can keep on going for future generations. Each student has made a 'Plastic Free Pledge' in an attempt to 'go green' and we would love it if you could also help them to keep this promise at home.

We are also busy practising for I Run for Ipads, Cross Country, Faction Carnival and we even have our class assembly this term. Phew! It's going to be a big term, so please make sure to keep an eye on the blog to find out about our events.

Miss Ruddick