Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Welcome to Term 3!

Hello all,
Welcome to another term in Room 11.
We have a VERY busy term coming up, so please keep checking back frequently to find out what is happening and see photos of the events.

Literacy Blocks are continuing to run smoothly in our class. Students have shown a great improvement in their attitude towards home reading. I can't wait to hand out more Reading Certificates and prizes. During Term Three we will be focusing on the writing genres of Reports and Poetry. If you find any examples of these at home we would love to see them.

We are using a new maths resource this term, called Prime Mathematics. It is looking mostly at the number outcomes, but we are really hoping to extend the students in their problem solving abilites and will even learn our 6, 7, 8 and 9 timestables and some tricky division work.

This term in Science we are looking at the topic "Melting Moments". We will be investigating how objects change when heat is added. We will look at solids and liquids, the differences between them and how objects can change from one state to another. You can also look at things that melt at home. Some yummy experiments include watching ice cream melt and melting chocolate- you may even turn it into fondue!

We are also looking at Sustainability this term. We have learnt that sustain means to keep on going and able means can do, so we are looking at how we can treat the earth so that it can keep on going for future generations. Each student has made a 'Plastic Free Pledge' in an attempt to 'go green' and we would love it if you could also help them to keep this promise at home.

We are also busy practising for I Run for Ipads, Cross Country, Faction Carnival and we even have our class assembly this term. Phew! It's going to be a big term, so please make sure to keep an eye on the blog to find out about our events.

Miss Ruddick

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