Please write these down in your diary or on your calendar, it's a very busy term!
8th August- Senior Assembly, Student Councillors to be announced
- Cross Country (After lunch)
12th August- ICAS Mathematics Testing
15th August- Junior Choir to visit Donovan Village
- I Run for Ipads, 2pm
22nd August- Science Fair Day
25th August- Book Week Event (More details to follow)
27th August- Faction Carnival Jumps and Throws
29th August- Faction Carnival
1st September- Wattle Day
5th September- Room 11 and 14's Assembly (More details to follow)
12th September- P&C Quiz Night
16th September- Parent Information Afternoon- Speaking and Listening (More details to follow)
19th September- Interschool Faction Carnival
23rd September- Learning Journeys (Open classroom afternoon/ evening)
26th September- Last day of Term Three
PLEASE NOTE: Book Week Event has now been changed to Monday 25th August. Our class is reading Peter Pan and we ask that the students dress up as a character from this book only. A note will come home shortly to let you know. Thanks