Wednesday 26 June 2013

Term Two Science: All Mixed Up!

This term in Science we have been investigating mixtures. We have made observations based on a cook's mixture, a wizard's mixture and a scientist's mixture. We have also looked at how to reverse a mixture by sifting it and investigated how the size of the holes in the sieve affect what goes through it.
We would love it if you could help us look for mixtures at home too!

Here we are acting out what happens when you sift rice bubbles, coconut, cocoa and icing sugar:

Early Years Learning Framework- Belonging, Being and Becoming

Belonging, being and becoming are the foundations of a meaningful education. Together they help us to set the tone and feel of the educative environment we provide for children.
Belonging is feeling like you are a part of a place and what is happening there. Being is having the opportunities and time to be yourself, and to do things the way you would like to. Becoming is all about guiding children to reach their potential.
At Wattle Grove, we strive to provide a welcoming environment that embraces each individual and gives them the
opportunity to develop to their potential.
If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website:
Mrs Jessica Munro
K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Kagan Strategies

A note went home a few weeks ago offering parent workshops for Term Three and asking parents to vote on what they would like to know more about. One of the topics on offer was Kagan Strategies and a few parents asked what this means.

Kagan is a type of cooperative learning. Through the Kagan system we set up cooperative learning groups in our classroom for 5 weeks at a time. Groups are structured carefully by the teacher and students participate in activities, games and tasks to learn how to work together successfully. Kagan has proven to increase student engagement in lessons and lift academic challenge.

Some of the Kagan strategies we are using in our class are round robins, rally robins and rally coach. You can ask your child what these strategies involve!

Here we are working together in Literacy!

NAIDOC Incursion

On Thursday 20th June Cooloongup Primary School came to our school to show us some Aboriginal dancing and culture.

First all of the classes had to go to the Undercover Area and sit down on mats. Then we sat quietly waiting for it to start.

The performers did a dance to introduce themselves. Some kids even did backflips, cartwheels and splits. The girls from Cooloongup Primary were wearing matching T-Shirts, but the boys had shorts, a belt with feathers and material on it and were bare chested with traditional paintings on their bodies.

Next they told some traditional Aboriginal stories, by dancing and they also had music playing.

After this a boy taught us how to play the didgeridoo and told us what it was made out of. It looked really hard to play, but he played really well.

Then some students and teachers from Wattle Grove were chosen to join in a dance. In the dance the girls were fire and the boys were animals.

After this all of our school stood up where we were and joined in the dancing to modern music.

Finally, as a thank you for coming to our school, Wattle Grove sang the song, 'Gundulla'. It is a song about dancing.

Room 11 had a really good time at the incursion. We really liked the dancing, when the boy played the didgeridoo and how they introduced themselves. We would love to see them perform again.

A recount written as a group by Room 11