Wednesday 17 December 2014

Good Bye and Good Luck

To all of the students, parents and families,
Thank you so much for your support over the past two years. I feel that we have all worked tremendously as a team to create the best class at Wattle Grove Primary. These students have grown, matured, learned and became wonderful Year Threes who are definitely ready for Year Four.
It is with a tear in my eye that I say goodbye to them all. It was a hard decision to leave such an amazing school and I am sad that I will not be able to see what amazing achievements they make next year and in the coming years.
Remember to always try your very best, that mistakes are learning opportunities (thanks for the quote Logan!) and to always aim high- you might just be surprised by what you achieve.
I hope all of the families have a safe and happy summer holidays.
Good luck, best wishes and thank you for making my two years at Wattle Grove unforgettable.

Love Miss Ruddick

P.S. One more goofy photo to finish off our blog!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Swimming Lessons

Week 7 and 8 were super busy at school. Not only were we working really hard to get our work done we were also going to swimming lessons! We went each day for two weeks to learn how to glide and skull, the proper technique of each stroke and water safety skills.
We loved going to swimming lessons, especially the last day where we go to splash everyone, including the teachers!
Here are a couple of photos of us enjoying swimming lessons.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Scitech Excursion

On Wednesday of Week 6 Room 11, 14 and 23 went on an excursion to Scitech and Kings Park. We were going on an excursion to learn more about space, which is our Science topic this term.

We all lined up, got on the bus and headed for Scitech. The first thing we did at Scitech was go to the Planetarium. We got a tour of the night's sky and saw all the stars and constellations. Next we watched a cartoon video called Tilt. Tilt explains why the earth has seasons.

After the Planetarium we ate recess and then had some free time to explore the exhibits at Scitech. We explored in our groups, which had about 6 students and 1 adult in each group. Our favourite exhibits were air mail (where you sent a note through a pipe by sitting down hard on the seat), the ball factory (where you sent lots of ball through a maze of tunnels) and the chair pull (where you used pulleys to lift your own weight).

After we explored Scitech we jumped back on the bus and headed to Kings Park. We ate lunch on the lawn at the Synergy Parklands and then we got to play on the giant playground. It was awesome to run around and play.

Finally we all got on the bus and headed back to school. We were pretty tired and a couple of people even fell asleep!

All in all it was a fantastic day out. We learnt some new things, visited new places and had lots of fun.

Thursday 20 November 2014


Over the last few weeks Room 11 has been investigating what causes day and night. We have been participating in activities which allowed us to observe how the Earth rotates around the Sun, causing day and night. We have been exploring how shadows are created and looked at how they change throughout the day, as the Earth rotates.

Room 11 has been planning an investigation to find out what happens to the shadow of a stick throughout the day. We will be observing what happens to the length and direction of the shadow and measuring how it has changed every hour throughout the day.

Room 11 using a basketball and a tennis ball to explore why the Sun and the Moon look the same size.

Playing shadow tag to explore how shadows change throughout the day. 

Room 11 drawing their shadows and finding out how they changes over a period of time. 

Written by Miss Whitlock

Thursday 30 October 2014

Diwali Festival

Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama, it also celebrates the triumph of good over evil. To celebrate Diwali, you light candles in your house to let Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi into your home.
On Monday the 27th of October we celebrated Diwali [The festival of lights.] We did a comprehension activity on Diwali. We made Diwali candle holders out of play dough. Then we decorated the candle holders with string, beads, sequins, and ribbon. After we made them we got to take them home.

By Angus, Shae Lyne, Riley, Madison and Jeffrey.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Edu Dance

We are now three weeks into our Edu Dance program with all students participating in the dance classes. Students have started learning their dance, which is to the song Summer Jam by R.I.O. Students must bring in a peaked cap and a pair of sunglasses ASAP, thanks to all of the parents who have sent them in already, as they need to wear them during the lessons.
The costume on the night will be board shorts and a rash shirt. Students will need to bring these in during Week 8 to check and will wear them to the Presentation Night on Tuesday 9th December.
Here are some photos of Room 11 dancing up a storm!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Literacy Pro

Literacy Pro is the new name and new website for Lexile. This website is a great way of making sure children are reading books at their comprehension level and has lots of quizzes for them to do to show their understanding.

Here is the link to get into the website:

I would like all students to try logging on and completing the quiz about The Lorax this weekend.
Good luck and happy quizzing!