Wednesday 11 December 2013

One Last Note from Room 11

It is hard to believe that it is the end of the year already. It seems like yesterday that I was meeting all the students and families for the first time!
I would like to say a huge thank you to the students for all of their hard work and dedication over the year. The students have worked brilliantly, both individually trying their best and coming together as a whole class to create a fantastic learning environment in Room 11.
Thanks also needs to go the parents and families who have supported the students’ learning through out this year.
It has been quite a big year for me, adjusting to a new school and overcoming some health hurdles, but I have felt supported by all of you through this.
The students have certainly earned a nice break over the summer holidays, but don’t let their brains go idle. There are some amazing places to visit in our city, mostly for free, such as the Western Australian Museum, State Library and Art Gallery.
After going somewhere or catching up with friends and family, talk to your child about it and help them to orally recount what you did. Keeping a small diary is also a great way to encourage writing.
The Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge will be run over the holidays. Reading or being read to for just 15 minutes every day over the break will assist your child in improving reading skills, develop a love of reading and keep their minds active. Go to the website: to register and find out more. The Forrestfield, Kalamunda, High Wycombe and Lesmurdie libraries are all just around the corner, so pop out with your children and grab a book, for them and for you too!
Don’t forget that your Mathletics log in will work all through the holidays. There are many different activities and games to explore and don't forget to challenge people from all over the world in Mathletics Live!
Once again thank you for all of your support during 2013 and I hope you have a fantastic holiday.
Miss Ruddick

Important Dates

Here is a list of important dates to add to your diary!

Monday 16th December- Class performances of Readers Theatre, 2:30pm in the classroom
Tuesday 17th December- Edu Dance Rehearsal during the day
                                          - Presentation Night, Camp Wattle Grove, 6:30pm
Wednesday 18th December- Whole School Assembly, 8.45am, Undercover Area
                                                 - Class Party, 1.30pm, Classroom
                                                 - Reports to go home
Thursday 19th December- Last day of school

There is a lot going on, so it may help to write it all down!

Parents Art Session

On Thursday, 21st November, Room 11 were lucky enough to be able to invite their parents to an Art Lesson with them. Ariel's Nana, Angus' Step mum  Jake's, Ryan's, Shae Lyne's, Chloe's, Ethan S's and Logan's Mums all came along. They got an insight into what an art lesson is like with Miss Larkin and they also got to make a marvelous creation.
The class and parents used special paper that you could wash and reuse to make a new picture. We used paint, dye, different tools and even sugar and salt to create patterns on our work.

Here are what some of the students thought:
"It was very fun and it was nice getting to see our parents during school time." Angus

"It was great having Mum come to Art. My favourite part was when we got to use the Edicol Dye." Jake

"My favourite part was when I got to mix everything together. It was great to have Mum there because she helped me." Logan

"My Mum was really artistic and it was really fun. I hope we do it again." Chloe

Term 4 Science- Night and Day

This term in Science we have been looking at Night and Day. We started the topic by brainstorming all of the difference between night and day. We have learnt about how shadows are formed and did an investigation to see how shadows change over the day. Here are some pictures of us recording our shadows out in the sun and also recording the shadows of a 'shadow stick'.

We have been learning about how the Earth rotates to make day and night and how the Earth orbits around the sound.
Did you know:
That the Earth rotates on it's axis once every 24 hours, which makes one day.
The Earth orbits around the sun once every 365 1/4 days, which makes one year.
We have leap years every 4 years to make up those 1/4 days.
Shadows change over the day. They are the longest in the early morning and late evening and are the shortest at midday.
Shadows start on the West side of an object in the morning and then move to the South at lunch, then the East by the end of the day.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Early Years Learning Framework — Continuity of Learning

Learning experiences that link over time are the most valuable. Children learn best when they have the opportunity to practise new skills and apply new knowledge.

It is important that we provide children with routine and a predictable environment. That way, students feel safe and are more responsive when new things are introduced.

At Wattle Grove, we provide open ended activities that are adapted to every child’s individual learning style. We provide multiple opportunities for children to engage in learning            experiences and build on prior skills and knowledge. 

Think about how you provide your child with opportunities to practise and build their skills. Plan an activity could take place regularly to see how their knowledge and skills develop.

If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website:

Mrs Jessica Munro
K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Spaceships- Technology and Enterprise Project

On Friday the 15th of November and Monday the 18th of November Room 11 planned to make rockets for T & E. 

First we all designed our own rockets on paper.  We labelled our rockets and coloured them in.  Then we set up our tables with newspaper and glue.

Miss Ruddick got the cardboard, boxes, tin foil, sticky tape and lots of other different types of materials for us to use to make our rockets.

We used the materials to construct our rockets from our design.  Some people added different things on to their rockets to make them better.  We decorated our rockets with glitter and also aliens.

Then we had to assess if our rockets looked the same as our design that we drew and give them a score out of 10! 

Miss Ruddick took photos of us holding our rocket.  She also took a photo of us building our rockets.

Most people wanted to make their alien out of a small cup.

Everyone enjoyed this activity.  We thought it was excellent!

Written by Jake and Akshay

Monday 18 November 2013

Early Years Learning Framework — Intentional Teaching

Intentional teaching is all about being consciously aware of what we are teaching and why.

At Wattle Grove, we use the Australian Curriculum in partnership with our school standards to plan and intentionally teach. Teachers plan explicit teaching sessions and co-operative learning tasks. These teaching techniques are used in partnership, to motivate and engage children to learn, whilst activating and building on prior knowledge.

When you are with your child, think  about a deliberate discussion or activity that you could plan. It could be to reinforce something your child already knows or to extend their knowledge/ skills. Perhaps you could invite your child to help you to prepare food by incorporating problem solving e.g. How many more cups of flour do I need if I have already put in 2? If your child is more advanced, use quarters or thirds of a cup.

If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website:

Mrs Jessica Munro
K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Thursday 7 November 2013

Swimming Lessons

In Week 3 and 4 Room 11, Room 19 and Room 6 have been going to Swimming Lessons at Belmont Oasis Pool.

We went first thing in the morning so we had to wear our bathers to school. Then we would line up with the other classes, ready to get on the bus. Every day there was a different bus, some buses had TVs and some didn't.  The bus trip would last about 20 minutes and it was cold, boring and squishy. We liked it best when we got to watch TV on the way.

Once we got to the pool we had to line up for our swimming teacher. We were in Levels 1 to 7. Some people went in the deep pool, some outside and some in the little pool. We all learnt how to swim and how to rescue people. We played games and swam laps of the pool. Some people also practiced diving in.

After the lesson finished we had to quickly dry off and line up for the bus again.

Our favourite parts of Swimming Lesson were playing Volleyball in the water, doing swimming relays, diving for toys and playing games. Most of us passed our levels, but we all had fun!

Written by Room 11 

Monday 4 November 2013

Edu Dance

This term Room 11 has started Edu Dance. We have a 35 minute dance lesson once a week where students are learning a choreographed dance ready for the End of Year Performance Night. The students are really enjoying the lessons and are showing a talent for dance.
It would be fantastic if you could help your child practise at home. The song we are performing to is Jason Derulo- Undefeated, it is easily found on the internet.
Our Performance Night will be Tuesday 17th December, Week 10, so make sure to keep that night free!
Here we are in action:

Monday 21 October 2013

Swimming Lessons

Just a reminder that Swimming Lesson money ($40) and permission note is due tomorrow.
We will start Swimming Lessons next week, Monday 28th October. Room 11 will be going with Room 19 and Room 6. We will be leaving school at 8.45 so it is very important that students arrive to school before this time. We will return to school for recess at 10.15.
Students should wear their bathers and thongs to school. They will need their full school uniform and closed in shoes to get dressed into when they return to school.
Please make sure you label EVERYTHING during this time so that your child does not lose anything.
Swimming Lessons will run for two weeks.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sports Carnival

On Friday 6th September Wattle Grove Primary School had their Faction Sports Carnival. Everyone was very excited and was hoping their faction would win.
To start the day we marched out in our factions to our bays. We stayed here all day, cheering for our teams.
The first event was the running races. All of the kids ran really fast.
Next were the team games. The Year 2's and 3's were involved in Wheel Relay, Flag Relay, Tunnelball, Circle Ball and Pass Ball.
We had a great day outside cheering our factions on. Purple faction won the carnival, but we all had fun!
Here are some pictures of us in action.

African Drumming Incursion

On Thursday the 5th of September we had an African Drumming Incursion. Almost all of our class went, along with all the Junior Primary classes. It was in the Undercover Area.

First the three men from Ghana, in West Africa, showed us some songs on their big drums. They also sung and danced to the music. This is what people in Africa do instead of playing PlayStation.

Next all the teachers had to go up and join in the dancing. They looked funny! They also got some people from the crowd to play the drums. Boston was chosen and got to play on the big drums.

After this every single person got a chance to play on the little drums. It was hard to stay in time and we made a very loud noise! After drumming for a while our fingers went red.

We had lots of fun on the drums and we wish that we didn’t have to stop. We thought it was an amazing day.
Written by Room 11

Zoo Excursion

Zoo Day On the 28th of August in 2013 our class, Room 9 and Room 17 went on an excursion to the Perth Zoo on a bus.
First, we went to the Australian Bushwalk and saw kangaroos, emus, tree kangaroos, echidnas, crocodiles, wallabies and penguins. We went to the Reptile Encounter and saw two cute turtles. They were so cute that Ryan and I wanted to keep them!
Next, we went to the Asian Rainforest where we saw one elephant getting ready for an elephant walk. We also saw alligators, one was blurry and the other one didn’t show. The orang-utans were funny because the baby orang-utan got water from a leak on the roof!
Then we went to the African Savannah. We saw tortoises and meerkats, which were funny. I saw zebras playing together and they were so dusty when they stopped. Cheetahs were so lazy, when we saw them they didn’t run. I saw baboons but I didn’t see their red bottoms!
Finally, I went to the Nocturnal House, it was dark but I could see. I saw ghost bats and I saw one that ate a mouse! It was freaky. I also saw owls and I liked their eyes best. I saw a scorpion and when the light came off the scorpion was glowing!
My favourite animal was the meerkats because one was sitting down and then another one sat down on him or her. Then another one sat on the one that sat on the other and then the one on the bottom tried to get up and then they fell!
Written by Dylan

Early Years Learning Framework- High Expectations

Having high expectations of children’s behaviour, learning and responsibility gives them the opportunity to succeed and achieve great things. By providing children with the right tools and a supportive environment we are often amazed by their achievements.
At Wattle Grove, we get to know the children’s strengths. We then set realistic goals and plan learning experiences that support the achievement of these goals. Get to know your child’s strengths and encourage them to pursue their goals by getting involved in their learning. Listen to them read, support them to complete their homework and talk to them about what is going on at school.
If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website: Mrs Jessica Munro K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Zoo Excursion TOMORROW!

Just a reminder that Room 11, 17 and 9 are going to the Zoo tomorrow. We have our fingers crossed that the rain will mostly stay away but please remember to bring a raincoat or waterproof jacket! Students will also need to bring their hat, their recess and lunch packed in a plastic bag with their name on it and a drink bottle. I'm excited and hope your kids are too!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Book Parade 2013

Today, 22nd August, Room 11 took part in Wattle Grove's Book Parade. This was to help celebrate Book Week. Each person had to get dressed up as a character from a book. Once school started we had a big parade in the Undercover Area with all of the other classes. It was fun seeing everyone dressed up, especially Mrs MacKenzie who dressed up as Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Here are some photos of our class all dressed up!
What will you come as next year??????

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Parents Reading Information Session

Just a reminder that next Tuesday, 20th August, the Early Childhood (K- Year 3) teachers will be running an information session for parents based on reading. This will help explain how we teach reading in the classrooms, has some ideas for reading at home with your child and a representative from the local library will also be there.
It will be running from 2.45-.3.45 in the BER Room, which is near the Pre Primary and Kindy classes. There is childcare available for children above 3, children below 3 are welcome to attend with their parents. Translators can also be organised if you need.
Please let me know if you would like to attend, it is sure to be an informative and valuable session.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Term 3- Habitats and Animals

Wow- I can't believe how fast this term is going, Week 4 already!
This term our topic is Habitats and Animals.
In Society and Environment we are looking at the different habitats you find around the world, what plants and animals they have and how they are adapted to their environment.
In Science our topic is "Feathers, Fur or Leaves?" and I hope you had fun with your child searching for living and non-living items around the house. I have loved having caterpillars, snails and even a dead cockroach in the classroom! :) We will continue to look at how we classify living and non-living things, plants and animals.
These areas then cross into Literacy, where we are writing a report on an animal of our choice! So far we have researched the animal and taken notes, we are halfway through writing our reports and we are then going to publish them using PowerPoint so we can present them to the class. We are excited about this.
In Numeracy we have been practising our multiplication facts and learning about 'sharing' stories so we can do division. We will also be looking at money, so any chance you have to speak to your child about money, costs of things, adding costs, counting coins and working out change would be much appreciated!
The other really exciting thing about this term is that we are going on an excursion to the ZOO on Wednesday 28th August! Notes have been sent home and most students have paid. Just a reminder to send in your permission slip and money ASAP.
Term 3 looks to be very busy and exciting! Keep checking in to see what's happening in Room 11.

Early Years Learning Framework — Shared Thinking

Shared thinking is all about getting to know one other, being supportive and encouraging when exploring new things.

As educators, we plan experiences that stimulate students’ interests, engagement and motivation. We encourage conversation with peers and adults to answer questions and find answers together. Sharing the learning journey with others assists to enrich the experience and develop understanding of new concepts and ideas.

Getting involved in your child’s homework and play are great ways to encourage problem solving and provide opportunities for shared thinking to thrive.

If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website:

Mrs Jessica Munro
K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Cross Country

On Wednesday the 31st July Wattle Grove Primary competed in their Cross Country. Room 11 students were part of the Junior Race, where the fastest runners from Years 1-3 competed against each other.
Troy, Boston, Ryan, Riley, Ethan N, Akshay, Logan and Jeffrey competed in the Boys Race. The Girls Race included Shae Lyne, Eva, Jacinta, Rishitha and Nikola.
All of the students ran as fast as they could and did really well! We were so impressed with how sporty Room 11 is!

Student Councillors for Semester Two

This Semester we have two new Student Councillors representing Room 11. We voted on who we thought would do a good job and the two students selected were Dylan and Angus! Here is a little bit about each of them:
Name: Angus
Age: 7 ½ years
Favourite Subject: Music
Hobbies: Watch TV
I will be a good student councillor because: I was a Councillor in Year One so I know what to do.

Name: Dylan
Age: 7 ½ years
Favourite Subject: Sport
Hobbies: Rollerblading
I will be a good student councillor because: I am nice to everyone.

We also said thank you to Jeffrey and Boston who did an amazing job of representing us as Student Councillors in Semester One!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Class newsletter, test books and reports

Well if you are reading this I am assuming that you have read our latest class newsletter and come for a look! Thanks for visiting our blog, make sure to check back regularly to find out what is happening in Room 11.

Test Books were also sent home today. Parents, please spend some time sitting down with your child and going through their test books. We ask that parents fill in the two stars (things the student did well) and a wish (an area for improvement) after speaking with their child about it. Test books are due back in Week 1 of Term 3.

Semester One reports were issued today. I have spoken to the students and also want to remind parents that if your child receives a C grade or Satisfactory, this means that they are working at their Year level. If they get Cs in all learning areas, this indicates they are progressing at the expected rate. Remember to talk to your child about their report and set some learning goals for Semester Two.

Monday 1 July 2013

NAIDOC Week Activities in Room 11

Over the past few weeks we have done a lot of actvities about Aboriginies to get ready for NAIDOC Week, which is officially celebrated from July 7-14.

In fitness we have been playing some Aboriginal games. One was called Chooba-Chooba. In this game a group of people pass the ball to each other and you have to count how many passes you do before dropping it. Our class record was 24. The Aboriginal people would use a ball made out of animal skin stuffed with leaves- YUCK! We just used a dodge ball.

We read alot of Dreaming stories. These stories explain how an animal became what it is (How the Birds Got Their Colours) or even how land was formed. We then wrote our own Dreaming story.

In groups we also read books about hunting, weapons and bush tucker. We had to take notes and share them with out group members. At the end we made our own Bush Tucker of damper! It was really delicious!

We also looked at traditional Aboriginal art work with dot painting. We then made our own dot painted boomerangs using the Aboriginal colours of brown, black, red, orange and yellow.

We have really enjoyed these activities and learning more about the tradition owners of the Australian land. our favourite activity was making damper, followed by doing the dot painting.

Here are some pictures of us hard at work!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Term Two Science: All Mixed Up!

This term in Science we have been investigating mixtures. We have made observations based on a cook's mixture, a wizard's mixture and a scientist's mixture. We have also looked at how to reverse a mixture by sifting it and investigated how the size of the holes in the sieve affect what goes through it.
We would love it if you could help us look for mixtures at home too!

Here we are acting out what happens when you sift rice bubbles, coconut, cocoa and icing sugar:

Early Years Learning Framework- Belonging, Being and Becoming

Belonging, being and becoming are the foundations of a meaningful education. Together they help us to set the tone and feel of the educative environment we provide for children.
Belonging is feeling like you are a part of a place and what is happening there. Being is having the opportunities and time to be yourself, and to do things the way you would like to. Becoming is all about guiding children to reach their potential.
At Wattle Grove, we strive to provide a welcoming environment that embraces each individual and gives them the
opportunity to develop to their potential.
If you would like to find out more ask your child’s teacher, or jump on the website:
Mrs Jessica Munro
K-3 Team Co-ordinator

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Kagan Strategies

A note went home a few weeks ago offering parent workshops for Term Three and asking parents to vote on what they would like to know more about. One of the topics on offer was Kagan Strategies and a few parents asked what this means.

Kagan is a type of cooperative learning. Through the Kagan system we set up cooperative learning groups in our classroom for 5 weeks at a time. Groups are structured carefully by the teacher and students participate in activities, games and tasks to learn how to work together successfully. Kagan has proven to increase student engagement in lessons and lift academic challenge.

Some of the Kagan strategies we are using in our class are round robins, rally robins and rally coach. You can ask your child what these strategies involve!

Here we are working together in Literacy!

NAIDOC Incursion

On Thursday 20th June Cooloongup Primary School came to our school to show us some Aboriginal dancing and culture.

First all of the classes had to go to the Undercover Area and sit down on mats. Then we sat quietly waiting for it to start.

The performers did a dance to introduce themselves. Some kids even did backflips, cartwheels and splits. The girls from Cooloongup Primary were wearing matching T-Shirts, but the boys had shorts, a belt with feathers and material on it and were bare chested with traditional paintings on their bodies.

Next they told some traditional Aboriginal stories, by dancing and they also had music playing.

After this a boy taught us how to play the didgeridoo and told us what it was made out of. It looked really hard to play, but he played really well.

Then some students and teachers from Wattle Grove were chosen to join in a dance. In the dance the girls were fire and the boys were animals.

After this all of our school stood up where we were and joined in the dancing to modern music.

Finally, as a thank you for coming to our school, Wattle Grove sang the song, 'Gundulla'. It is a song about dancing.

Room 11 had a really good time at the incursion. We really liked the dancing, when the boy played the didgeridoo and how they introduced themselves. We would love to see them perform again.

A recount written as a group by Room 11

Sunday 7 April 2013

Harmony Day

On March 21st Wattle Grove celebrated Harmony Day. This is a day where we acknowledge all of the different cultures that make up Australia. Students were invited to dress up in their National Costume or as an Australian Pioneer. We also had a parade, where each class showed off how they were dressed.
Our class looked amazing, with people from many culutres. Here are the boys and girls all dressed up. We even wore our costumes out to play at recess and lunch!


Assembly Item

Hi Everyone,
Sorry, it has been such a busy term I have not had a chance to upload much, but hopefully today will fix that!

Our Assembly Item, Welcome to the Reading Jungle, went off amazingly back in March. The students looked amazing, so thanks to all the parents for making sure they had such fantastic costumes. The students had practised hard and I was so proud to see it all come together on the day, even when the music didn't work!
Here are some photos of the 'Jungle Animals'. Enjoy!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Preview of Classroom Work


This term we have started to create some amazing work in Room 11. Here is a sneak peak!