Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Good Bye and Good Luck

To all of the students, parents and families,
Thank you so much for your support over the past two years. I feel that we have all worked tremendously as a team to create the best class at Wattle Grove Primary. These students have grown, matured, learned and became wonderful Year Threes who are definitely ready for Year Four.
It is with a tear in my eye that I say goodbye to them all. It was a hard decision to leave such an amazing school and I am sad that I will not be able to see what amazing achievements they make next year and in the coming years.
Remember to always try your very best, that mistakes are learning opportunities (thanks for the quote Logan!) and to always aim high- you might just be surprised by what you achieve.
I hope all of the families have a safe and happy summer holidays.
Good luck, best wishes and thank you for making my two years at Wattle Grove unforgettable.

Love Miss Ruddick

P.S. One more goofy photo to finish off our blog!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Swimming Lessons

Week 7 and 8 were super busy at school. Not only were we working really hard to get our work done we were also going to swimming lessons! We went each day for two weeks to learn how to glide and skull, the proper technique of each stroke and water safety skills.
We loved going to swimming lessons, especially the last day where we go to splash everyone, including the teachers!
Here are a couple of photos of us enjoying swimming lessons.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Scitech Excursion

On Wednesday of Week 6 Room 11, 14 and 23 went on an excursion to Scitech and Kings Park. We were going on an excursion to learn more about space, which is our Science topic this term.

We all lined up, got on the bus and headed for Scitech. The first thing we did at Scitech was go to the Planetarium. We got a tour of the night's sky and saw all the stars and constellations. Next we watched a cartoon video called Tilt. Tilt explains why the earth has seasons.

After the Planetarium we ate recess and then had some free time to explore the exhibits at Scitech. We explored in our groups, which had about 6 students and 1 adult in each group. Our favourite exhibits were air mail (where you sent a note through a pipe by sitting down hard on the seat), the ball factory (where you sent lots of ball through a maze of tunnels) and the chair pull (where you used pulleys to lift your own weight).

After we explored Scitech we jumped back on the bus and headed to Kings Park. We ate lunch on the lawn at the Synergy Parklands and then we got to play on the giant playground. It was awesome to run around and play.

Finally we all got on the bus and headed back to school. We were pretty tired and a couple of people even fell asleep!

All in all it was a fantastic day out. We learnt some new things, visited new places and had lots of fun.

Thursday, 20 November 2014


Over the last few weeks Room 11 has been investigating what causes day and night. We have been participating in activities which allowed us to observe how the Earth rotates around the Sun, causing day and night. We have been exploring how shadows are created and looked at how they change throughout the day, as the Earth rotates.

Room 11 has been planning an investigation to find out what happens to the shadow of a stick throughout the day. We will be observing what happens to the length and direction of the shadow and measuring how it has changed every hour throughout the day.

Room 11 using a basketball and a tennis ball to explore why the Sun and the Moon look the same size.

Playing shadow tag to explore how shadows change throughout the day. 

Room 11 drawing their shadows and finding out how they changes over a period of time. 

Written by Miss Whitlock

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Diwali Festival

Diwali celebrates the return of Lord Rama, it also celebrates the triumph of good over evil. To celebrate Diwali, you light candles in your house to let Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi into your home.
On Monday the 27th of October we celebrated Diwali [The festival of lights.] We did a comprehension activity on Diwali. We made Diwali candle holders out of play dough. Then we decorated the candle holders with string, beads, sequins, and ribbon. After we made them we got to take them home.

By Angus, Shae Lyne, Riley, Madison and Jeffrey.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Edu Dance

We are now three weeks into our Edu Dance program with all students participating in the dance classes. Students have started learning their dance, which is to the song Summer Jam by R.I.O. Students must bring in a peaked cap and a pair of sunglasses ASAP, thanks to all of the parents who have sent them in already, as they need to wear them during the lessons.
The costume on the night will be board shorts and a rash shirt. Students will need to bring these in during Week 8 to check and will wear them to the Presentation Night on Tuesday 9th December.
Here are some photos of Room 11 dancing up a storm!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Literacy Pro

Literacy Pro is the new name and new website for Lexile. This website is a great way of making sure children are reading books at their comprehension level and has lots of quizzes for them to do to show their understanding.

Here is the link to get into the website:

I would like all students to try logging on and completing the quiz about The Lorax this weekend.
Good luck and happy quizzing!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Welcome to Term Four

Welcome back to Term 4- hasn't the year flown past. It is lovely to see that all the students had a great holiday but are happy to be back at school.

This term is also going to be a very busy term with lots of different things happening, but also a lot of learning taking place.

Firstly, we would like to welcome Miss Karla Whitlock to Room 11. Miss Whitlock will be with us from Week 2 to Week 7 as a student teacher from ECU.

As you may have read in the newsletter last term, Wattle Grove has been nominated as one of the top schools in W.A. We will be having a visit from a panel of judges and a photographer during Weeks 1 and 2. Stay tuned to hear if we win!

Edu Dance has now started, there are a few students who are yet to pay. Please bring in your money and permission slip ASAP as this is an integral part of our Physical Education program and teaches the student a dance ready for Presentation Night in Week 9. Our class has been asked to bring in a peaked cap and pair of sunglasses as part of their costume. These must be brought to school before Tuesday of Week 2 and must have the student's name on it.

Swimming Lessons will be happening in Week 7 and 8. Notes and permission slips will be coming home soon.

This term we will be covering a variety of topics. We will be revising each of the writing styles that we have learnt this year. We are continuing with division and even learning our 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables and how to apply these skills to problem solving. In History Room 11 are looking at Aboriginal History and culture and in science our topic is Night and Day and we hope to learn more about our Solar System.

It is a very busy term, but we look forward to all of these exciting activities.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Book Parade 2014

On Monday 25th August we had Book Parade Day, it was part of Book Week where we were celebrating books and reading. As a class, Room 11 picked Peter Pan and Wendy by JM Barrie to read. We read the story over a couple of weeks. It was very exciting and we loved all the different, and magical, creatures in it.

On the Monday everyone in Room 11 came to school dressed up. We had people dressed as Peter Pan, pirates, lost boys, Tinker Bell, Wendy and even the Tic Tock Croc! We then went to the Undercover Area where each class explained their book and paraded around in their costumes. It was really cool to see all of the different costumes.

We had a great time studying Peter Pan and loved dressing up!

Speaking and Listening Parent Forum

A huge thank you to all of the parents (and grandparents!) who came along to the Speaking and Listening Parent Forum yesterday afternoon. I know all of the staff members put a lot of time and effort into their presentations and I really hope you took home some new information and a great variety of activities that you can play with your children. Please ensure to have regular quality time with your children, have conversations, ask some thick questions and use the resources which were provided to help develop your child's speaking and listening skills.

Faction Carnival

Wattle Grove Primary school held their annual Faction Carnival on Thursday 11th September. It was a glorious day with all students participating in running races, team games and cheering on their factions.
Room 11 were excellently behaved all day and showed great sportsmanship by not only trying their best but congratulating people from other factions on their victories.
Special mention goes to Boston who received the Runner Up Champion Boy in the Junior Division. Boston, Ryan and Shae Lyne will now represent Wattle Grove in the Interschool Sports Carnivals on Wednesday 17th and Friday 19th September.

Here are some pictures of Room 11 in action and winning heaps of ribbons.

Room 11's Assembly

On Friday the 5th of September Room 11 and Room 14 performed our assembly. It was about sustainability and we tried to teach people to reduce, reuse and recycle. Before we actually performed on the day we did a lot of practising over the last two weeks. We had to memorise our lines, remember when to go to the microphone or hold things up, memorise the song lyrics and learn the funky dance moves. We also had to organise our own costumes. First we had to go to the Undercover Area. We sat in our rows and waited for all the other classes to arrive. Then it was out turn to shine. Most of the children got to speak into the microphone, this made us a bit nervous. We gave the audience some fascinating facts about being sustainable and some tips on how to pack a waste free lunch. We then sang our school. It was called ‘The Three R’s’ and was sung by Jack Johnson. We even performed those tricky dance moves. After our song the awards were presented. In our class Boston got a Science Award, Jake got the Values Award and Logan, Eva and Jacob received Honour Certificates. This was Jacob’s first award at Wattle Grove. All in all our assembly was absolutely amazing. We had a great time performing and think we may have been the best assembly this year!  Written by Room 11

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Cross Country

On Friday of Week 3, most of the students from Room 11 took part in Cross Country.

In the Cross Country the Juniors (Years 1-3) had to run one lap, the Intermediates (Years 4-5) had to run two laps and the seniors (Years 6-7) had to run three!

The boys went first. In Room 11 Jacob, Liam, Logan, Boston, Dylan, Akshay, Riley and Ryan ran. None of our boys were in the top 3, but they all tried their best and did a great job.

Next was the girls. We had Salma, Jacinta, Elham, Eva, Chloe, Rishitha and Nikola run. Once again they tried super hard and put in a fantastic effort.

Once our Junior races were finished we watched the other races and cheered for our faction. We saw lots of our brothers and sisters.

We wish all the students who are going to Interschool Cross Country today the best of luck!

Room 1 Buddies

This term we have gotten the chance to meet our buddies. Our buddies are from the Dolphin group in Room 1 with Miss Ryan.

In Week 3 we got  to meet our buddies. We learnt a bit about them by filling out a sheet about our buddies and drawing a picture together.

In Week 4 our buddies came to visit us and we read some picture books to them. Our buddies really seemed to enjoy it.

We will be visiting our buddies again soon, so look out for more photos!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Semester Two Student Councillors

We have now presented our Semester Two Student Councillors with their badges. Each student who was interested had to make a speech about why they thought they would be a good Councillor for Room 11. The class then got to vote on. Our Councillors for Semester Two are Eva Campbell and Liam Kempton.

Eva is a talented student who is 8 years old. Her favourite subject at school is Maths and History. When she is not at school she likes to sleep. Eva thinks she will make a good Councillor because she will help others and has good ideas.

Liam's favourite subject at school is writing and spelling. He thinks he will be a fantastic Councillor because he will help people and solve problems. Liam is 8 years old and outside of school he likes to sit and play video games.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Important Dates for Term 3

Please write these down in your diary or on your calendar, it's a very busy term!

8th August- Senior Assembly, Student Councillors to be announced
                - Cross Country (After lunch)

12th August- ICAS Mathematics Testing

15th August- Junior Choir to visit Donovan Village
                  - I Run for Ipads, 2pm

22nd August- Science Fair Day

25th August- Book Week Event (More details to follow)

27th August- Faction Carnival Jumps and Throws

29th August- Faction Carnival

1st September- Wattle Day

5th September- Room 11 and 14's Assembly (More details to follow)

12th September- P&C Quiz Night

16th September- Parent Information Afternoon- Speaking and Listening (More details to follow)

19th September- Interschool Faction Carnival

23rd September- Learning Journeys (Open classroom afternoon/ evening)

26th September- Last day of Term Three

Welcome to Term 3!

Hello all,
Welcome to another term in Room 11.
We have a VERY busy term coming up, so please keep checking back frequently to find out what is happening and see photos of the events.

Literacy Blocks are continuing to run smoothly in our class. Students have shown a great improvement in their attitude towards home reading. I can't wait to hand out more Reading Certificates and prizes. During Term Three we will be focusing on the writing genres of Reports and Poetry. If you find any examples of these at home we would love to see them.

We are using a new maths resource this term, called Prime Mathematics. It is looking mostly at the number outcomes, but we are really hoping to extend the students in their problem solving abilites and will even learn our 6, 7, 8 and 9 timestables and some tricky division work.

This term in Science we are looking at the topic "Melting Moments". We will be investigating how objects change when heat is added. We will look at solids and liquids, the differences between them and how objects can change from one state to another. You can also look at things that melt at home. Some yummy experiments include watching ice cream melt and melting chocolate- you may even turn it into fondue!

We are also looking at Sustainability this term. We have learnt that sustain means to keep on going and able means can do, so we are looking at how we can treat the earth so that it can keep on going for future generations. Each student has made a 'Plastic Free Pledge' in an attempt to 'go green' and we would love it if you could also help them to keep this promise at home.

We are also busy practising for I Run for Ipads, Cross Country, Faction Carnival and we even have our class assembly this term. Phew! It's going to be a big term, so please make sure to keep an eye on the blog to find out about our events.

Miss Ruddick

Monday, 23 June 2014

Healthy Lifestyles

This term in Health we have been looking at Healthy Lifestyles. In pairs, students brainstormed all of the things that people do to have a healthy lifestyle. We then looked at each of these aspects.

Most importantly we looked at diet. To have a healthy diet you should be following the 'Healthy Plate" guide. This means you eat the most Vegetables, the next largest portion is Healthy Proteins, then Whole Grains and Fruit. The best thing to drink is water! We also investigated which of our favourite foods are the foods that you should eat most, eat moderately and eat least. We were lucky enough to make some healthy milkshakes one Friday Afternoon. We made Strawberry Surprises, which were milk, strawberries and strawberry yoghurt. Most people liked them, but some people found them a little bit bitter.

Here is the recipe if you want to make it at home.

We also researched why exercise is good for us. We learnt that aerobic exercise is good as it helps to make our heart stronger, which makes pumping blood around the body easier. Strengthening exercises are also important as they help to build our muscles, which help us lift heavy things. We then investigated which exercises were best for raising our heart rate. We did stations of exercises which included skipping, running, sit ups, push ups and burpees. It was pretty fun, but we were very tired afterwards.
Here are some pictures of us exercising and checking our heart rate.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Constable Care comes to Wattle Grove

On Monday, 9th June,  Room 11 went to see a performance by Constable Care. We went with all the Year 2 and 3 classes. It was held in the Undercover Area at school. The show was a puppet show about cultural diversity. It was called Celebrations.

 Before we went to the show we looked at where the people in our class were born or where their families come from. Did you know that in Room 11, 9 people were born in a different country? Also that 13 students have parents who were born in a different country. Cool hey!
In the show the puppets had to research how to have a class party that would include everyone. They went to their class mates and found out what games they liked to play, what music they liked to listen to and what food they liked to eat. We learnt about a lot of different foods, music types and games from all over the world.

At the end Verity, the lady who was in charge, asked us questions about the play. Ariel and Elham each won a prize for getting questions correct.

We thought the play was funny, especially when the puppets tried to dance and to play 'Monkey Run to the Pole.' We couldn't stop laughing. It was interesting to listen to how different cultures celebrate. We think we might like to have a class party to celebrate the diversity in our class!  

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Welcome to WA Week!

On Monday we had a public holiday to celebrate WA Day. All week long Wattle Grove classes have been looking at towns in Western Australia and learning about them. Room 11 have been learning about Rottnest Island.

Miss Ruddick showed us a PowerPoint about the history of Rottnest Island and some photos of the beautiful beaches and fun activities you can do over there. We made posters to encourage people to visit Rottnest.

We also wrote a persuasive text to try and convince people to choose Rottnest as a holiday destination. We also researched Rottnest Island on the internet and found facts about it. We typed these up and then displayed them from a giant net in our room.

We were also lucky enough to email the class that lives on Rottnest. We asked them some questions and they responded to us. We learnt that there are only 9 kids in their class, 8 girls and 1 boy, and they range from Kindy to Year 5. How strange!

We also created some Quokkas, the small marsupial that live at Rottnest and hid these around the room. Only two people correctly counted the Quokkas, they were Tyler and Cooper.

On Friday afternoon we got to visit the other classes and find out about what they had learnt this week. Room 10 researched Harvey, this is the home of the big orange. Room 9 learnt about Busselton, did you know that the Busselton jetty is 1.8km long! Room 8 learnt about Kalannie, this is where Mrs Beste grew up. Room 20 focused on Shark Bay, here there is a big area of stramatilites, which are very old fossils. Lastly Room 23 learnt about Halls Creek, this is mostly an Aboriginal township and they did some dot paintings.

We really enjoyed our afternoon of finding out about different towns in WA. It was interesting and educational.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Term 2 Update for Parents

Well this term has certainly started fast! We are already half way through Week 3 and 3/4 of the way through our NAPLAN testing. Thanks very much to parents who has made sure their child is having a good nights sleep, a nutritious breakfast and have spoken to their child about trying their best. The students have worked well during the test and I am confident they have tried their hardest.

During Term 2 we have started to look at history. We started with a broad look at Australian colonisation, then Western Australian colonisation. We will be moving into more local history. If you have any Wattle Grove historical objects, artefacts or pictures please send them in with your child to share.

Our Science topic this term is 'Heating Up' and we are looking at different heat sources. The students were given a small home project, to find a heat source, describe the amount of heat it produces and whether it produces it own heat. This project is due back to school tomorrow, Thursday 15th May. I can't wait to see what the students have investigated.

Please remember to make sure your child is completing their spelling homework every night, their maths homework to be marked on a Friday and that they read every single night. A variety of reading (silent, to a sibling, to a parent, choral reading with a partner, etc) and asking questions of their comprehension will help to improve their reading skill.

Miss Ruddick

ANZAC Day Letters

At the end of Term 1 we learnt about ANZAC Day. We looked at the conditions that the soldiers had to live under and the feelings they would have had. We then wrote our own letters, as if we were soldiers taking part in the Gallipoli landing. Here is a selection of them.

14th May 1915
Dear Mum, Dad and Hailey,
I'm in Gallipoli. It's truly horrifying in these smelly, uncomfortable, humid trenches. I lost my food in the attack a few weeks ago and now I am sharing with Ryan.
I'm first in command and Ryan's second. We're shooting at the Turks and they're shooting at us. Some of my closest friends have sacrificed themselves or got injured. 
All of us are scared but still show courage. We are still happy that we're serving our country at war.
I wish the tanks, bombers, warships and airforce were here to help though. I can't believe what is happening around here.
Please write back. Miss you a lot.
Love from Boston


12th May 1915
Dear Mummy and Daddy,
I'm in the trenches, hungry and sad that some of my best friends have been shot. 
This is how it started, when we were almost to shore, the Turkish army started shooting at us because they could see us in the boats. I told the other people in my boat to get in the deep, cold and dangerous water. They agreed and jumped out of the boat and swam to shore.
We climbed up the steep, slippery hill. I saw someone die, I quickly got their dog tags and put it in my backpack. I followed the leader to a spot where they were going to build a trench. Here I am, in the trench now, thinking of you.
I hope I can see you again soon.
From Jacinta


29th May 1915
To my whole family,
I really miss you. I am in Turkey. We landed in the wrong spot and everyone is shooting at us. We are not happy, we are horrified. It took us 2 hours to climb the soaring hill and it was so slippery my friend, Sargent Ruddick, got shot. I am so sad, luckily I have her dog tags.
I am so hot and the flies will not leave me alone. In my trench there are also heaps of bugs. The trenches are only 2 metres wide and 16 metres ahead. I lost my leg but Simpson helped me, then he got shot. I was the last person to see him. He was inspirational, bold and fascinating. I would love to come home and make people stop fighting because now I know how it feels.
Yours sincerely Ariel.
P.S. I love you with all my heart.


May 8, 1915
To my lovely Mother,
The morning we arrived in Gallipoli it was very dark. Once we got to shore we figured out we were in the wrong place so we had to get up shore. It looked fine but the beach was cohered in rocks and we heard a loud bang. The Turkish started shooting at us.
Most of us survived but it was horrible. My friend Riley went with my battalion and he nearly lost his life but I sacrificed my arm for him. It was shot, I had to have it amputated.
It's so hot and there's flies everywhere in our trench. You have to risk your life just to refill your water bottle and now we're digging a new trench, I don't know if I will survive.
I really miss you and I hope to see you soon.
Love from Angus.


13 May 1915
Dear Mum and Dad,
We've landed in Gallipoli and some people have dies already. I can hear gun shots from the Turkish soldiers up in the hills. I am starting to climb the steep and rocky hills. My commander told me to drop my food and start climbing.
We have almost reached the Turkish trenches. I have lost my best friend, Zac, but I found a guy called Riley. We are starting to attack the Turkish trenches. Riley sacrificed his life for me. I am so sad.
I am in Lone Pine and I have lost my arm. Even without my arm I helped injured people and put them on my back. I carried them to our trenches for safety. We are still shooting at the Turkish soldiers with our rifles and machine guns.
I would love to come back home and see you. 
I love you very much.
Love from Admiral Jake Barnes.

Aren't we amazing writers in Room 11!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

NAPLAN Testing Week

Hi Parents,
Just a friendly reminder that this week we have our NAPLAN tests. Students will sit the Language Conventions and Writing test on Tuesday, Reading test on Wednesday and Numeracy test on Friday.
Please ensure that your child has:
- a good nights sleep the night before
- a nutritious breakfast in the morning
- lots of encouragement
- reminders that we are asking all children to just try their best

I hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Wack-A-Doo Zoo

On Thursday and Friday Room 11 and all the other Year 2 and 3 classes performed a show called 'The Wack-A-Doo Zoo'. We performed in the Undercover Area for all the Junior classes, Senior classes and parents.

The Wack-A-Doo Zoo was a special Zoo because all of the animals didn't say their proper sounds. Room 11 were lions, but we didn't roar, instead we went 'Cock-a-doodle- do'! One day a Professor came along to try and change the animals so that they said the correct sounds. He tried really hard to fix each group of animals and even had a fight with the cows who wanted to meow, but it just didn't work. In the end he gave up and went back to university and left the animals to say what they wanted. The animals were thrilled, they had a huge party and lived happily ever after.

We got to sing six different songs and also danced to the music. Our favourite part of performing was the fight between the professor and the cows and the big dance party at the end. We really hope that Mrs Mullen might help us put on another performance one day.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Wack-A-Doo Zoo- This Thursday and Friday

This Thursday and Friday all of the students from Years 1 and 2 will be performing in a musical production called the Wack-A-Doo Zoo. They have been practising hard all term to learn the songs, words and moves.

The students in Room 11 are lions and have been asked to bring in a cosume to wear for this. They need yellow, orange or brown top and pants. Can you please send this in to school as soon as possible, in a labelled plactic bag?

The performances will be on Thursday (K-1) and Friday (4-7) at 2.20pm. Parents, gradnparents, family members and friends are invited to come and watch!

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Harmony Day 2014

On Thursday 20th March we celebrated Harmony Day at Wattle Grove Primary School. Harmony Day is a day when we celebrate that Australia is made up of different cultures. To celebrate we dressed up in different national costumes and had a United Nations Parade.

Everyone in our class dressed up and they each looked fantastic! People dressed up in clothes from Australia, Saudi Arabia, England, Myanmar, India, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Ireland, Turkey and more! We got to walk in front of the whole school and show off our costumes.

We spoke about people's culture and national identity in our class. We found out that our class has families from 15 different countries and that 6 people speak a different language at home. What a multicultural class we have!

We also wrote acrostic poems about Harmony Day in our groups. At the moment we are still typing them up, but we will post some of them on the blog soon.

Our class had 100% of people dressed up so we would like to thank our Mums and Dads for helping us to dress up in our national clothes, because of this we got extra play.

It was also Jeffrey's birthday on the 20th March!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Leaf Litter Investigation

Today, Thursday the 13th of March, Room 11 carried out an investigation  in Science on the Leaf Litter of our school.

We were investigating the question, "What animals can we find in the leaf litter of our school?"

We made some predictions. We guessed that we would find:
- Slaters
- Praying Mantis
- Beetles

We went around the school and looked for leaf litter. Leaf Litter is the layer of leaves that have fallen on the floor. It builds up under tress and bugs live there.

We collected leaf litter from the big tree near the Art Room, the big tree near the Music Room and the garden near Pre Primary. We scooped it up and put it in zip lock bags. Once back in the classroom we carefully looked at the bags to see what we could find inside.

We found 12 Ants, 4 slaters (some looked like babies), 1 very tiny spider and 1 bug, but we're not sure what type it is.

We really enjoyed looking at the leaf litter of our school. It did make us a bit upset, because some of the leaf litter had rubbish in it!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Student Councillors

Room 11 is very pleased to introduce to you our two student councillors for Semester One, Ariel and Riley.

Each student who was interested in being our class councillors, stood up and explained why they thought they would be a good councillor. We then had to vote on who we thought would do a good job. It was a close call, but Riley and Ariel were voted in.

Here’s a little bit about them:

Hi, I’m Riley and I think I will be a good Student Councillor because I know and follow all the rules.
I am 8 years old. My favourite activity at school is Sport. After school I like to ride my bike.

Hi I’m Ariel, I am 7, turning 8 in April, and my favourite activity at school is writing. After school I like to practise gymnastics outside. I think I will be a good Student Councillor because I am a kind person and I have good ideas.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Welcome Back and Parent Information Night

Welcome back to school in 2014! I hope that you all had lovely, relaxing holidays and are ready to start a new school year.
I am very proud to have so many familiar faces join me in Room 11 this year and am excited to welcome in our new students Kya, Salma and Yusef. The students have already shown their amazing potential during the first two weeks of school and it looks set to be another fantastic year.

Our Parent Information Night is tomorrow, Tuesday 18th February. It will be held in Room 11 and run from 6.15 to approximately 7.00pm. I will talk you through the routines, rules and expectations in Room 11 and at Wattle Grove. This meeting is for parents and guardians only, so students should not be at school during this time. I hope to see as many of you as possible there.

Remember to keep checking back on the blog to see what is happening in Room 11!